
18 September 2021


In 2012, I was awarded a post-doctoral grant by the University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Development to record soundscapes of the UP Diliman campus. The following are selections from those recordings. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, two batches of incoming fresh people have yet to set foot in the UP Diliman Campus. While they have seen pictures, and watched videos, they have yet to hear the sounds of both the daily and ceremonial life of the campus. I hope this collection of soundscape recordings can, in its own small way, add to their impression of what life will be like when they finally get to visit. And to alumni, I know many will have fond memories of these sounds. 


Robin Daniel Z. Rivera

Click here to hear the entire album on Soundcloud


1. AS Lobby - Most, if not all UP Diliman students have had at least one class in the AS, a.k.a. the old College of Arts and Sciences, a.k.a. now Palma Hall. This is because many General Education subjects are held there. If the walls of the lobby could talk....

Click the link below to hear it in Soundcloud:

2. Ikot Jeep - The Ikot Jeepney is the primary form of intra-campus public transportation. In this recording, I boarded a random jeepney, and travelled the entire loop from Vinsons Hall and back. This particular one was rickety and unattractive. But it valiantly trudged along, and was never empty during the entire trip. My wife said she would sometimes take a ride just to de-stress. 

Click the link below to hear it in Soundcloud:

3. Area 2 - This sound walk began about 11 A.M at the Corner of Valenzuela And Apacible streets, turned left on Viola St, turns left on Balagtas St, turned left into Laurel St. (home to the row of "lutong bahay" eateries), entered the old (burned down) Shopping Center, then returned to Valenzuela corner Apacible. The quiet residential area grew more active as I turned into the row of eating places, and became even more hectic in the shopping center, specially as lunchtime was just around the corner. 

Click the link below to hear it in Soundcloud:

4. Helicopter Bayan Ko - My original plan for that day was to record the Sunday carless oval. But a Huey helicopter was hovering around the area all morning. Just as I was about to pack up because it disrupted the sound of people enjoying the carefree Sunday morning, the Carillon started playing "Ang Bayan Ko". For context, to those who survived the 1970s martial law period, the sound of the helicopter was a symbol of military oppression. On the other hand, to many nationalists, “Ang Bayan Ko” is the quintessential patriotic song. It laments about the suffering from tyranny, but is hopeful for the promise of freedom. To hear these two distinct sounds simultaneously  brought back memories of the martial law dictatorship. And that the helicopter headed out of the orbit and left the carillon to finish the song signified hope. This recording still gives me chills whenever I listen to it. 

Click the link below to hear it in Soundcloud:

5. UP Naming Mahal Graduation - I recorded this from my office in the 2nd floor of the old Faculty Center building facing the Lagoon, 500 meters away from the 2013 UP Diliman General Commencement at the Amphitheater. The afternoon began with the threat of a thunderstorm, but cleared up just as the students were filing in. The singing of UP Naming Mahal at the end of graduations always brings up a deluge of emotions not only for students, but to their families, the faculty, and staff as well. The collective roar at the end released all those emotions. 

Click the link below to hear it in Soundcloud:

6. UP Diliman Lantern Parade - The annual lantern parade is the most festive of UP Diliman events. Students, faculty and staff let their hair down, alumni hold impromptu reunions, and residents revel in the campus’ version of a town fiesta. This 2016 recording was made from the Eng'g tennis courts overlooking the academic oval.  from the Eng'g tennis courts overlooking the academic oval. As the title suggests, four musical ensembles passed by, and a canon of some sort fired repeatedly from the West side of the campus. (Warning, the canon on the recording can be suddenly VERY LOUD). I don’t expect it will be held this year. But when it finally happens, I can expect a huge attendance from those who missed it during the pandemic years.  

Click the link below to hear it in Soundcloud

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